LOS ANGELES, California – September 6, 2017
In Club Industry’s latest webinar, Clark Lagemann of MedPro Wellness outlined a 90-day plan for landing new club members via physician referrals.
Many healthcare patients are intimidated by the fitness industry. They’ve tried fad diets, and they’ve purchased unused gym memberships. Getting these prospsective members through your health club doors is a genuine operational challenge, according to MedPro Wellness co-founder Clark Lageman. In the latest Club Industry webinar, “Differentiate Your Health Club and Increase membership Referrals from the Medical Community,” Lageman and H2 Wellness co-founder Hooman Fakki outlined strategies for landing these prospective members via physician referrals within just 90 days.
The time is ripe for landing referrals, Lageman said, as the reimbursement model for many healthcare providers has changed. In addition to a pay-for-service model — in which patients are charged for specific services — a pay-for-performance model now sees that a certain dollar amount is allotted annually to help patients manage their desired health outcomes. This direct financial obligation, Lagemann said, provides an ideal opportunity for referrals.
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“This time, unlike any time before, is a time when the fitness industry can shine as a resource and leverage their infastructure and leverage opportunities to help the healthcare community better engage their own patients and improve the financial outcomes for these institutions,” Lagemann said.
In the webinar, Lagemann outlined a 90-day plan for landing physician referrals, which includes incentives such as discounted memberships to patients. Lagemann suggested avoiding large healthcare systems and instead focusing on large practices (five to 15 providers) and small practices (one to two providers). For the greatest return, he said to target relationships with outcome-focused bariatric practices, surgeons, cardiologists and endocrinologists.
To review the full on-demand webinar, register here.
MedPro Wellness and H2 Wellness are also two of the sponsors of the Wellness track at the Club Industry Show, Oct. 4-6 at the Hilton Chicago. The medical wellness sessions in the track occur on Oct. 4. These sessions include two sessions for newcomers to medical wellness and five sessions for those already involved in wellness. Sessions on Oct. 5-6 focus on corporate wellness.